ISMS Forum organizó su vigesimotercera edición de la Jornada Internacional de Seguridad de la Información el pasado 25 de noviembre en modalidad presencial.
La edición reflexionó sobre el papel que ha jugado el profesional de la seguridad de la información y la protección de datos como garante y facilitador de la Transformación Digital, convirtíendose en impulsor de la Transformación del Negocio. No cabe duda de la evolución de la ciberseguridad en el entorno empresarial, de ser un medio para el negocio a constituir un valor clave en las relaciones comerciales necesario para su desarrollo.
La Jornada Internacional de ISMS Forum contó con las principales instituciones nacionales e internacionales, así como con los primeros referentes en los ámbitos de la ciberseguridad y la privacidad, para analizar y debatir sobre las inquietudes de un sector en continua transformación.
A quién va dirigido
Andrew Dinsley became Deputy Head (Programmes), Cyber Policy Department, in 2018. He started his career in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (now FCDO) in 1989. Throughout his career, he has served in a number of countries, such as Ukraine, Kuwait, Kazakhstan and India. His recent UK roles includes Head of ICT, Commercial Procurement Group, and Head of Programmes, Multilateral Policy Department.
Helena works as Senior Attorney at Microsoft’s Digital crimes Unit, a team of investigators, data analysts and attorneys leading the fight against cybercrime to protect our customers and promote global trust in Microsoft. She leads complex legal actions and industry working groups in collaboration with public prosecutors, law enforcement agencies and private and public organizations to fight cybercrime and technically dismantle criminal infrastructure with sharing of criminal data. Lately she focused on digital safety and created for Microsoft the Council for Digital Good – Europe formed by teens, aged 14 to 16, from across Europe to apply to help advance positive and productive online behaviors to further champion our work in digital civility. She joined Microsoft in 2008 as a commercial lawyer supporting key accounts in France, and then moved to supporting the European OEM division where she negotiated global deals with large hardware manufacturers. Helena began her career as attorney in a French law firm in Paris, then she worked in the US and in France for Business Objects, a French-American technology company in the business intelligence, where she served as legal counsel in charge of corporate and security law matters and supporting the sales teams. She holds a law degree from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, two Masters Degrees from Université de Paris XI, and has been visiting scholar at Stanford University.
Loïc Guézo is Executive Director, CyberSecurity Strategy , for a global leader of the sector. With 25 years’ experience, Loïc is a recognized expert in the field of Information Security and Risk Management. Working with media and trade associations, including CLUSIF (French Club for the Security of Information Systems), CESIN (Club of Experts in Digital & Information Security), andARCSI (Cryptography & Information System Security Veterans association), Loïc is a leading voice in the region, awarded as “TOP100 cyber influencers” in France for 2019. On a more global scale, Loïc is member of the “France/Europe – Japan Initiative for Cyber” since 3 years and has been part of the Interpol support team since 2014. He is henceforth regularly surveyed by international media and global news agencies or speaking at global events (eg. Chairman of the track Cyber at MILIPOL Qatar in November 2018, speaker at “Cyber Tokyo Initiative” in December 2018). InOctober 2018, he was invited to join the civilian reserve of the French National Police, as trusted advisor for cyber-threats. Before Loïc Guézo held various positions, such as EDF (Nuclear controls with IT), Sagem (Research Engineer for NATO), French Development Bank (IT Manager for French Overseas) and IBM France (CTO Security Services). Loïc Guézo is graduated of the University Paris XIII and has a Master’s Degree in « Open Source & Security » from Ecole Centrale Paris.
Peter leads the Incident Response Team at Sophos. He works with an expert team of threat hunters to help organizations targeted by cyberthreats to investigate, contain and neutralize attacks. Peter has been with Sophos since 2011 and specialises in ransomware attacks.
Kirti Kumar is an Executive Partner with IBM Security Services and leads EMEA Threat Management and OT/IoT Security portfolios from a business & delivery perspective. He has 16+ years of experience in Cybersecurity, helping C-level execs in improving cyber outcomes. As a strategic advisor, he helps CISOs realize strategic outcomes through Threat Management modernization & innovation. Working extensively across highly regulated industries including Banking, Pharma, Aviation, Critical National Infrastructure, etc. he has led several hyper-scale cyber programs through strategy, design and deployment.
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